Spin glasses

     Interaction flip identities for non-centered spin glasses [.pdf]
(in collaboration with P. Contucci, C. Giberti)
Journal of Mathematical Physics Vol. 54, 73301 (2013)
     Perspectives on spin glasses
(in collaboration with P. Contucci)
Cambridge Univesity Press (2012)
     Stability of the Spin Glass Phase under Perturbations [.pdf]
(in collaboration with P. Contucci, C. Giberti)
European Physics Letters Vol. 96, 17003 (2011)
     Interface Energy in the Edwards-Anderson model [.pdf]
(in collaboration with P. Contucci, C. Giberti, G. Parisi, C. Vernia)
Journal of Statistical Physics  Vol. 142, No. 1, 1-10 (2011)
     Spin Glass Identities and the Nishimori Line [.pdf]
(in collaboration with P. Contucci, H. Nishimori)
in "Spin Glasses: statics and dynamics", Book Series Progress in Probability, Vol. 62, 103-121 (2009)
     On the structure of correlations in the three dimensional spin glasses [.pdf]
(in collaboration with P. Contucci, C. Giberti, G. Parisi, C. Vernia)
Physical Review Letters 103, 017201 (2009)
     Interaction-Flip identities in spin glasses [.pdf]
(in collaboration with P. Contucci, C. Giberti)
Journal of Statistical Physics, Vol. 135, No 5-6, 1181-1203 (2009)
     Answer to Comment on "Ultrametricity in the Edwards-Anderson Model" arXiv:0709.0894 [.pdf]
(in collaboration with P. Contucci, C. Giberti, G. Parisi, C. Vernia)
Phys. Rev. Lett.100, 159702 (2008)
     Ultrametricity in the Edwards-Anderson model [.pdf]
(in collaboration with P.Contucci, C. Giberti, G.Parisi, C.Vernia)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 057206 (2007)
     Variational Bounds for the Generalized Random Energy Model [.pdf]
(in collaboration with S. Starr)
Journ. Stat. Phys. 127, 1-20 (2007)
     The Ghirlanda-Guerra identies [.pdf]
(in collaboration with P. Contucci)
Journ. Stat. Phys. 126, 917-931 (2007)
     Overlap Equivalence in the Edwards-Anderson Model [.pdf]
(in collaboration with P. Contucci, C. Giberti and C. Vernia)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 217204(2006)
     Comment on "Both site and link overlap distribution are non-trivial 
     in 3-dimenaional Ising spin glass"
(in collaboration with P. Contucci, C. Giberti and C. Vernia)
preprint arXiv: cond-mat/0611138
     Factorization properties in the 3D Edward-Anderson model [.pdf]
(in collaboration with P. Contucci)
Phys. Rev. B 72, 014456 (2005)
     Spin Glass Stochastic Stability: A Rigorous Proof [.pdf]
(in collaboration with P. Contucci)
Annales Henri Poincare Vol. 6, No. 5, 915 - 923 (2005)
     Finding Minima in Complex Landscapes: Annealed, Greedy and Reluctant Algorithms [.pdf]
(in collaboration with P. Contucci, C. Giberti, C. Vernia)
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Science, vol. 15, No. 9, 1349-1369 (2005)
     Interpolating Greedy and Reluctant Algorithms [.pdf]
(in collaboration with P. Contucci, C. Giberti, F. Unguendoli, C. Vernia)
Optimization Methods and Software, vol. 20, No. 4/5, 509-514 (2005)
     Numerical Study of Random Superconductors [.pdf]
(in collaboration with N. Akino, J.M. Kosterlitz, N. Priezjev)
Physica C, vol. 408-410, pp. 484-486, (2004)
     Thermodynamic Limit for Finite Dimensional Classical and quantum Disordered Systems [.pdf]
(in collaboration with P. Contucci, J. Pule')
Review in Mathematical Physics, vol. 16, No.5, 629-637 (2004)
     Optimization Strategies in Complex Systems [.pdf]
(in collaboration with L. Bussolari, P. Contucci, C. Giberti, F. Unguendoli, C. Vernia)
Science and Supercomputing at Cineca, 2003 Report, pp. 386-390 (2003)
     Thermodynamic Limit for Mean-Field Spin Models [.pdf]
(in collaboration with A. Bianchi, P. Contucci)
Mathematical Physics Electronic Journal, vol. 9, No. 6 (2003)
     Energy Landscape Statistics of the Random Orthogonal Model [.pdf]
(in collaboration with M. Degli Esposti, S. Graffi)
Jour. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 36, 2983-2994 (2003)
     Energy-Decreasing Dynamics in Mean-Field Spin Models [.pdf]
(in collaboration with L.Bussolari, P. Contucci, M. Degli Esposti)
Jour. Phys. A : Math. Gen. 36, 2413-2421 (2003)
     Thermodynamical Limit for Correlated Gaussian Random Energy Models [.pdf]
(in collaboration with P. Contucci, M. Degli Esposti, S. Graffi)
Comm. Math. Phys. 236, 55-63 (2003)
     Multiple optimal solutions in the portfolio selection model with short-selling [.pdf]
(in collaboration with A. Schianchi, M. Degli Esposti, L. Bongini)
Int. Jour. Theor. Appl. Finance 6, 703-720 (2003)
     Portfolio optimization with short-selling and spin-glass [.pdf]
(in collaboration with A. Schianchi, M. Degli Esposti, L. Bongini)
Eur. Phys. Journ. B 27, 263-272 (2002)
     Statistics of energy levels and zero temperature dynamics for deterministic 
     spin models with glassy behaviour
(in collaboration with S. Graffi, M. Degli Esposti, S. Isola)
Journ. Stat. Phys. 102, 1285-1313 (2001)
     Discrete spin variables and critical temperature in deterministic spin models 
     with glassy behaviour
Phys. Rev. E 61, 3375-3377 (2000)