Publications list

84. Large deviations and additivity principle for the open harmonic process [.pdf]
 (in collaboration with G. Carinci, C. Franceschini, R. Frassek, F. Redig)
 preprint arXiv: 2307.05111

83. Density fluctuations for the multi-species stirring process [.pdf]
 (in collaboration with F. Casini, F. Redig)
 preprint arXiv: 2307.05111
82. Solvable stationary non-equilibrium states [.pdf]
(in collaboration with G. Carinci, C. Franceschini, D. Gabrielli, D. Tsagkarogiannis)
 preprint arXiv: 2307.02793
81. Integrable heat conduction model [.pdf]
(in collaboration with C. Franceschini, R. Frassek)
 Journal of Mathematical Physics 64, 043304 (2023)
80. Uphill in reaction diffusion multi-species interacting particle systems [.pdf]
(in collaboration with F. Casini, C. Vernia)
 preprint arXiv: 2210.01514

79. Boundary driven Markov gas: duality and scaling limits[.pdf]
(in collaboration with G. Carinci, S. Floreani, F. Redig)
 Ensaios Mathematicos 38, 141-183 (2023)
78. Exact solution of an integrable non-equilibrium particle system[.pdf]
(in collaboration with R. Frassek)
 Journal of Mathematical Physics 63, 103301 (2022)
77. Annealed inhomogeneities in random ferromagnets[.pdf]
(in collaboration with H. Can, C. Giberti, R. van der Hofstad)
Physical Review E 105, 024128 (2022) 
76. Annealed Ising model on configuration models[.pdf]
(in collaboration with V.H. Can, C. Giberti, R. van der Hofstad)
Annales Institute Henri Poincaré Probabilités et Statistiques 58, 134-168 (2022)
75. Switching interacting particle systems:scaling limits, uphill diffusion and boundary layer[.pdf]
(in collaboration with S. Floreani, F. den Hollander, S. Nandan, F. Redig)
Journal of Statistical Physics 186, 3 (2022)
74. Duality in quantum transport models[.pdf]
(in collaboration with R. Frassek, J. Kurchan)
 SciPost Phys. 10, 135 (2021)
73. Approximating the cumulant generating function of triangles in the Erdos-Renyi random graph[.pdf]
(in collaboration with C. Giberti, E. Magnanini)
Journal of Statistcial Physics 182, 23 (2021)
72. Consistent particle systems and duality[.pdf]
(in collaboration with G. Carinci, F. Redig)
Electron. J. Probab., 26, 1-31 (2021)
71. Duality and hidden equilibrium in transport models[.pdf]
(in collaboration with R. Frassek, J. Kurchan)
SciPost Phys. 9, 054 (2020)

70. Stationary states in infinite volume with non zero currents[.pdf]
 (in collaboration with G. Carinci, E. Presutti)
 Journal of Statistical Physics 180, 366-397 (2020)
69. Non-compact quantum spin chains as integrable stochastic particle processes[.pdf]
 (in collaboration with R. Frassek, J. Kurchan)
 Journal of Statistical Physics 180, 135-171 (2020)
68. Exact formulas for two interacting particles and applications in particle systems with duality[.pdf]
(in collaboration with G. Carinci, F. Redig)
Annals of Applied Probability 30, 1934-1970 (2020)
67. The non-equilibrium Ising model in two dimensions: a numerical study[.pdf]
 invited contribution to Inhomogenous Random Systems IRS2018, Paris
 Markov Processes and Related Fields 26, 167-183, (2020)
66. Orthogonal duality of Markov processes and unitary symmetries[.pdf]
 (in collaboration with G. Carinci, C. Franceschini, W. Groenevelt, F. Redig)
  Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications (SIGMA) 15 (2019), 053, 27 pages
65. Stochastic duality and orthogonal polynomials [.pdf]
(in collaboration with C. Franceschini)
Soujourns in Probability and Statistical Physics-III, 187-214 (2019)
64. Self-duality of Markov processes and intertwining functions[.pdf]
(in collaboration with C. Franceschini, W. Groenevelt)
Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry  21: 29 (2018)
63. Large deviations for the annealed Ising model on inhomogeneous random graphs: spins and degrees[.pdf]
(in collaboration with S. Dommers, C. Giberti, R. van der Hofstad)
Journal of Statistical Physics  173, 1045-1081 (2018)
62. Non-equilibrium 2D Ising model with stationary uphill diffusion[.pdf]
(in collaboration with M Colangeli, C. Giberto, C. Vernia)
Physical Review E 97, 030103(R) (2018)
61. Metastability in the reversible inclusion process [.pdf]
(in collaboration with A. Bianchi, S. Dommers)
Electronic Journal of Probability, Vol. 22, paper no. 70, 1-34 (2017)
60. Free boundary problems in PDEs and particle systems
(in collaboration with G. Carinci, A. De Masi, E. Presutti)
Springer Briefs in Mathematical Physics (2016)
59. Ising critical behavior of inhomogeneous Curie-Weiss and annealed random graphs [.pdf]
(in collaboration with S. Dommers, C. Giberti, R. van der Hofstad, M.L. Prioriello)
Communications in Mathematical Physics, Vol. 348, No. 1, 221-263 (2016)
58. Asymmetric stochastic transport models with U_q(su(1,1)) symmetry [.pdf]
(in collaboration with G. Carinci, F. Redig, T. Sasamoto)
Journal of Statistical Physics 163, 239-279 (2016)
57. A generalized Asymmetric Exclusion Process with U_q(sl_2) stochastic duality [.pdf]
(in collaboration with G. Carinci, F. Redig, T. Sasamoto)
Probability Theory and Related Fields 166(3), 887-933 (2016)
56. Annealed central limit theorems for the Ising model on random graphs [.pdf]
(in collaboration with C. Giberti, R. van der Hofstad, M.L. Prioriello)
ALEA, Latin American Journal of Probability and Statistics, vol. XIII, 121-161 (2016)
55. The spatial fluctuation theorem [.pdf]
(in collaboration with C. P.Espigarez, F. Redig)
Journal of Physics A: Math. Theor. 48 (2015) 35FT01
54. Quenched central limit theorems for the Ising models on random graphs [.pdf]
(in collaboration with C. Giberti, R. van der Hofstad, M.L. Prioriello)
Journal of Statistical Physics Vol. 160, 1623 - 1657 (2015)
53. Dualities in population genetics: a fresh look with new dualities [.pdf]
(in collaboration with G. Carinci, C. Giberti, F. Redig)
Stochastic Processes and their Applications Vol. 125, No. 3, 941-969 (2015)
52. Global solutions of a free boundary problem via mass transport inequalities [.pdf]
(in collaboration with G. Carinci, A. De Masi, E. Presutti)
preprint arXiv:1402.5529
51. Super-hydrodinamic limit in interacting particle systems [.pdf]
(in collaboration with G. Carinci, A. De Masi, E. Presutti)
Journal of Statistical Physics Vol. 155, 867-887 (2014)
50. Hydrodinamic limit in a particle system with topological interactions [.pdf]
(in collaboration with G. Carinci, A. De Masi, E. Presutti)
Arabian Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 3, 381-417 (2014)
49. Energy-exchange stochastic models for non-equilibrium [.pdf]
(in collaboration with C. Franceschini)
preprint arXiv:1410.3661
48. Ising critical exponents on random trees and graphs [.pdf]
(in collaboration with S. Dommers, R. van der Hofstad)
Communications in Mathematical Physics, Vol. 328, No. 1, 355-395 (2014)
47. Antiferromagnetic Potts model on the Erdos-Rényi random graph [.pdf]
(in collaboration with P. Contucci, S. Dommers, S. Starr)
Communications in Mathematical Physics, Vol. 323, No. 2, 517-554 (2013)
46. Duality for stochastic models of transport [.pdf]
(in collaboration with G. Carinci, C. Giberti, F. Redig)
Journal of Statistical Physics Vol. 152, No. 4, 657-697 (2013)
45. Interaction flip identities for non-centered spin glasses [.pdf]
(in collaboration with P. Contucci, C. Giberti)
Journal of Mathematical Physics Vol. 54, 73301 (2013)

44. Perspectives on spin glasses
(in collaboration with P. Contucci)
Cambridge Univesity Press (2012)
43. Non conventional averages along arithmetical progressions and lattice spin systems [.pdf]
(in collaboration with G. Carinci, J.R. Chazottes, F. Redig)
Indagationes Mathematicae Vol. 23, 589-602 (2012)
42. Simulating rare events in dynamical processes [.pdf]
(in collaboration with J. Kurchan, V. Lecomte, J. Tailleur)
Journal of Statistical Physics Vol. 145, No. 4, 787-811 (2011)
41. Stability of the Spin Glass Phase under Perturbations [.pdf]
(in collaboration with P. Contucci, C. Giberti)
European Physics Letters Vol. 96, 17003 (2011)
40. Interface Energy in the Edwards-Anderson model [.pdf]
(in collaboration with P. Contucci, C. Giberti, G. Parisi, C. Vernia)
Journal of Statistical Physics  Vol. 142, No. 1, 1-10 (2011)
39. Modelling complex systems with statistical mechanics: the computational approach [.pdf]
(in collaboration with P. Contucci, C. Giberti, C. Vernia)
 ERCIM News, N. 81, 24-25 (2010)
38. Ising models on power-law random graphs [.pdf]
(in collaboration with  S. Dommers, R. van der Hofstad)
Journal of Statistical Physics Vol. 141, No. 4, 638-660 (2010)
37. Correlation Inequalities for interacting particle systems with duality [.pdf]
(in collaboration with F. Redig, K. Vafayi)
Journal of Statistical Physics Vol.141, No. 2, 242-263 (2010)
36. Matching with shift for one dimensional Gibbs measures [.pdf]
(in collaboration with P. Collet, F. Redig)
Annals of Applied Probability, Vol. 19, No. 4, 1581-1602 (2009)
35. Spin Glass Identities and the Nishimori Line [.pdf]
(in collaboration with P. Contucci, H. Nishimori)
in "Spin Glasses: statics and dynamics", Book Series Progress in Probability, Vol. 62, 103-121 (2009)
34. On the structure of correlations in the three dimensional spin glasses [.pdf]
(in collaboration with P. Contucci, C. Giberti, G. Parisi, C. Vernia)
Physical Review Letters 103, 017201 (2009)
33. Interaction-Flip identities in spin glasses [.pdf]
(in collaboration with P. Contucci, C. Giberti)
Journal of Statistical Physics, Vol. 135, No 5-6, 1181-1203 (2009)
32. Thinking transport as a twist [.pdf]
(in collaboration with J. Kurchan)
Journal Statistical Physics, Vol. 135, No. 5-6, 895-914 (2009)
31. Duality and hidden symmetries in interacting particle systems [.pdf]
(in collaboration with J. Kurchan, F. Redig, K. Vafayi)
Journal of Statistical Physics, Vol. 135, No. 1, 25-55 (2009)
30. Introduction to Special Issue: Statistical Mechanics on Random Structures [.pdf]
(in collaboration with P. Contucci)
Journal of Mathematical Physics 49, 125101 (2008)
29. Mathematics and Social Science: A Statistical Mechanics Approach to Immigration [.pdf]
(in collaboration with P. Contucci)
ERCIM News, N. 73, 34-35, April (2008)
28. Answer to Comment on "Ultrametricity in the Edwards-Anderson Model" arXiv:0709.0894 [.pdf]
(in collaboration with P. Contucci, C. Giberti, G. Parisi, C. Vernia)
Phys. Rev. Lett.100, 159702 (2008)
27. Duality and exact correlations for a model of heat conduction [.pdf]
(in collaboration with J. Kurchan, F. Redig)
Journ. Math. Phys. 48, 033301 (2007)
26. Ultrametricity in the Edwards-Anderson model [.pdf]
(in collaboration with P.Contucci, C. Giberti, G.Parisi, C.Vernia)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 057206 (2007)
25. Variational Bounds for the Generalized Random Energy Model [.pdf]
(in collaboration with S. Starr)
Journ. Stat. Phys. 127, 1-20 (2007)
24. The Ghirlanda-Guerra identies [.pdf]
(in collaboration with P. Contucci)
Journ. Stat. Phys. 126, 917-931 (2007)
23. Relative entropy and waiting times for continuous-time Markov processes [.pdf]
(in collaboration with Jean-Rene Chazottes and Frank Redig)
Electronic Journal Probability 11, 1049-1068, (2006)
22. Direct evaluation of large-deviation function [.pdf]
(in collaboration with J. Kurchan and L. Peliti)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 120603, (2006)
21. Overlap Equivalence in the Edwards-Anderson Model [.pdf]
(in collaboration with P. Contucci, C. Giberti and C. Vernia)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 217204(2006)
20. Comment on "Both site and link overlap distribution are non-trivial
      in 3-dimenaional Ising spin glass"
(in collaboration with P. Contucci, C. Giberti and C. Vernia)
preprint arXiv: cond-mat/0611138
19. Factorization properties in the 3D Edward-Anderson model [.pdf]
(in collaboration with P. Contucci)
Phys. Rev. B 72, 014456 (2005)
18. Fourier law in a momentum conserving chain [.pdf]
(in collaboration with J. Kurchan)
JSTAT - J. Statistical Mechanics (2005) P05009
17. Spin Glass Stochastic Stability: A Rigorous Proof [.pdf]
(in collaboration with P. Contucci)
Annales Henri Poincare Vol. 6, No. 5, 915 - 923 (2005)
16. Finding Minima in Complex Landscapes: Annealed, Greedy and Reluctant Algorithms [.pdf]
(in collaboration with P. Contucci, C. Giberti, C. Vernia)
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Science, vol. 15, No. 9, 1349-1369 (2005)
15. Interpolating Greedy and Reluctant Algorithms [.pdf]
(in collaboration with P. Contucci, C. Giberti, F. Unguendoli, C. Vernia)
Optimization Methods and Software, vol. 20, No. 4/5, 509-514 (2005)
14. Numerical Study of Random Superconductors [.pdf]
(in collaboration with N. Akino, J.M. Kosterlitz, N. Priezjev)
Physica C, vol. 408-410, pp. 484-486, (2004)
13. Thermodynamic Limit for Finite Dimensional Classical and quantum Disordered Systems [.pdf]
(in collaboration with P. Contucci, J. Pule')
Review in Mathematical Physics, vol. 16, No.5, 629-637 (2004)
12. Optimization Strategies in Complex Systems [.pdf]
(in collaboration with L. Bussolari, P. Contucci, C. Giberti, F. Unguendoli, C. Vernia)
Science and Supercomputing at Cineca, 2003 Report, pp. 386-390 (2003)
11. Thermodynamic Limit for Mean-Field Spin Models [.pdf]
(in collaboration with A. Bianchi, P. Contucci)
Mathematical Physics Electronic Journal, vol. 9, No. 6 (2003)
10. Energy Landscape Statistics of the Random Orthogonal Model [.pdf]
(in collaboration with M. Degli Esposti, S. Graffi)
Jour. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 36, 2983-2994 (2003)
9. Energy-Decreasing Dynamics in Mean-Field Spin Models [.pdf]
(in collaboration with L.Bussolari, P. Contucci, M. Degli Esposti)
Jour. Phys. A : Math. Gen. 36, 2413-2421 (2003)
8. Thermodynamical Limit for Correlated Gaussian Random Energy Models [.pdf]
(in collaboration with P. Contucci, M. Degli Esposti, S. Graffi)
Comm. Math. Phys. 236, 55-63 (2003)
7. Multiple optimal solutions in the portfolio selection model with short-selling [.pdf]
(in collaboration with A. Schianchi, M. Degli Esposti, L. Bongini)
Int. Jour. Theor. Appl. Finance 6, 703-720 (2003)
6. Portfolio optimization with short-selling and spin-glass [.pdf]
(in collaboration with A. Schianchi, M. Degli Esposti, L. Bongini)
Eur. Phys. Journ. B 27, 263-272 (2002)
5. Screened Vortex Lattice Model with Disorder [.pdf]
(in collaboration with N.V. Priezjev, J. M. Kosterlitz)
preprint arXiv: cond-mat/0202487
4. Statistics of energy levels and zero temperature dynamics for deterministic
    spin models with glassy behaviour
(in collaboration with S. Graffi, M. Degli Esposti, S. Isola)
Journ. Stat. Phys. 102, 1285-1313 (2001)
3. Discrete spin variables and critical temperature in deterministic spin models
    with glassy behaviour
Phys. Rev. E 61, 3375-3377 (2000)
2. Finite thermal conductivity in 1-D lattices [.pdf]
(in collaboration with R. Livi, A. Politi, M. Vassalli)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 2144-2147 (2000)
1. Ergodic Properties of microcanonical oberservables [.pdf]
(in collaboration with R. Livi)
Journ. Stat. Phys. 91, 1027-1045 (1998)

     Ph.D. Thesis:
     Random and deterministic spin models with glassy behaviour [.pdf]
     Laurea Thesis:
     Proprietà dinamiche e termodinamiche in catene di oscillatori non lineari [.pdf]
