
     Modelling complex systems with statistical mechanics: the computational approach [.pdf]
(in collaboration with P. Contucci, C. Giberti, C. Vernia)
 ERCIM News, N. 81, 24-25 (2010)
     Introduction to Special Issue: Statistical Mechanics on Random Structures [.pdf]
(in collaboration with P. Contucci)
Journal of Mathematical Physics 49, 125101 (2008)
     Mathematics and Social Science: A Statistical Mechanics Approach to Immigration [.pdf]
(in collaboration with P. Contucci)
ERCIM News, N. 73, 34-35, April (2008) 
     Optimization Strategies in Complex Systems [.pdf]
(in collaboration with L. Bussolari, P. Contucci, C. Giberti, F. Unguendoli, C. Vernia)
Science and Supercomputing at Cineca, 2003 Report, pp. 386-390 (2003) 
     Multiple optimal solutions in the portfolio selection model with short-selling [.pdf]
(in collaboration with A. Schianchi, M. Degli Esposti, L. Bongini)
Int. Jour. Theor. Appl. Finance 6, 703-720 (2003)
     Portfolio optimization with short-selling and spin-glass [.pdf]
(in collaboration with A. Schianchi, M. Degli Esposti, L. Bongini)
Eur. Phys. Journ. B 27, 263-272 (2002)